January 27, 2025
TO: All TASO Baseball Members
SUBJECT: TASO Baseball Online Videos are Now Available in Your Members Portal
To access the online clinics, go to www.taso.org and click on Login using your TASO ID# and your password, then scroll down to Baseball Required Clinics. Click Start Video, fillout the guestbook and click Play to Continue to advance through each module. To stop playing during a module, click the X in the upper right corner of the frame.
It is recommended not to use Safari browser, there are known issues that prohibit completion, Chrome, Edge and Firefox browsers work well.
There are 6 modules which all must be viewed completely, which will meet your Education Requirement for this season. When a module is completed, within 24 hours the box next to that module will be checked. If it is not checked one or both of the audio and slides viewed thresholds have not been met.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
TASO Baseball Division
TO: All TASO Baseball Members
SUBJECT: TASO Baseball Online Videos are Now Available in Your Members Portal
To access the online clinics, go to www.taso.org and click on Login using your TASO ID# and your password, then scroll down to Baseball Required Clinics. Click Start Video, fillout the guestbook and click Play to Continue to advance through each module. To stop playing during a module, click the X in the upper right corner of the frame.
It is recommended not to use Safari browser, there are known issues that prohibit completion, Chrome, Edge and Firefox browsers work well.
There are 6 modules which all must be viewed completely, which will meet your Education Requirement for this season. When a module is completed, within 24 hours the box next to that module will be checked. If it is not checked one or both of the audio and slides viewed thresholds have not been met.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
TASO Baseball Division